Legend of Zelda: God's Roar

It started on a sale on eBay, I was shopping for Super Nentindo games. I came across a game labeld 'Legend of Zelda: God's Roar', I thought it was a bootleg, so I bought it anyway. When I got home I stuffed the game inside my Nentindo, it played loud noises and static, I screamed to see Link freakishly pale and skinny. He was running scarcely towards the screen. I frooze for a sec, until the title popped up 'God's Roar'. It acted like it normally, but one of the characters, Zelda, was acting strange if she knew somethin'  but idk what. The game continued this way for sometime, until Zelda mentation this "God's Roar, it's here. God's Roar, it's near, God's Roar, it's there..." The characters doesnt seem to know what shes talking' bout, but there was settle hints along the way. Zelda in the game screams and shakes for reason around the game, and said these frase  "It is here! It is here! Help me!" I was confused, just like the people in the town. She pointed into a unfamiler cove, "in there" she shouted, I walk inside the unlit cove, and pulled out a torch. Nothin' was in there except hanging rats and skeletal bodys. Zelda pushed a boulder in front of the enteraince, the figures appointed to Link and grabbed him into a place called 'Hell's Gait', Link screamed...Link was prosumed lost, or dead. Zelda tried to kept her secret from the gards and worked. One night, Zelda packed a sword and torch and traveld into the cave, she found Link tied up and whispered these words "good good good, you've been talking my spot light all these years now pay...

Link's Punishment 

Link woke up in a small dusty room with no windows and he was in a cage, Zelda was taunting him, yelling at him, slashing him with his own sword, blood drips from his arm, she cut deep into his flesh & skin...She even burnt his left pinky, "no more pinky promised" she laughed, she slit Links fingers so they'll bleed and get infected. She told him this "You always take the glory, who's so bad without the big hero?" Link replied "You'll never seceed  on your own, you'll never be saved from Gandon." Zelda laughed and sended a man with a dagger in there, the man stabbed into Link's gut and carved these words. "You'll die here!" Link passed out, he woke up with boiling hot water over his cage, Zelda grabbed the pot of hot water and thrown it at Link, he screamed as the water burned and tore his skin. He cried for help, but Zelda cover his mouth with her hand whisping "Haha, your done four." The next night Link was confined he'll escape his hell, but when he planning Zelda grabbed his throat through the cage and choked him until he passed out. Zelda pulled a rope down his throat so when he talked, moved, sleep, she'll pull that rope, she used the rope to gag and choke Link, Link was powerless...Except with a pin, jar and mug. Link slowly lost his sanity over time, he began being crostlephobic and scared. He finally had enouth , he grabbed his mug and hit one of his gard's head and slit his throat with a glass shard, he grabbed his key and opend  his cage. But he noticed the gards  knew he'll do this, and beaten' him up for such a cruel thing. He was put into the cage, lieng there hoplessly. All he can do is wait...Just wait.....One of the gards called him to follow him, and Links was gagged until he threw up. I gards beat him up and him names, and tore a piece of his flesh and placed it on his tong. He was sobbing hard. "What did I ever did to you?" Why?" It was pure silence until a gard  said this "shut it scumbag, you'll never see the lights of day again.." Link lagged down on a cage bar, and the gard woke him up, Link was in his own personal hell, everything he did didn't work, he tryed, tryed, and tryed. The next day he was so pissed he yelled, cried, and beat his gard half way til' death, the gards are planning of an execution against Link. He yelled "No,No,No,Nooooo!" The gards laughed at that poor soul."Come on, how is this funny?" Link shouted "Eh, I don't know, maybe put down that tune. Scumbag." Link sat down silently as soon Zelda came, he grabbed his jar and smashed it over her head. "AHH, Link!" Link choked Zelda until she choked to death, she was rushed back to health, when she did recover, she wanted him DEAD! "No please, I'll do anything, anything!" Link begged, "shut it, you deserved this, we know you. You know all about you.." How did she know? How did she know? Link was confused about this, "I'm innocent! Please!" Link begged, "quit your wining" Link made a pin into a small blade and broke out of the cage with it. Zelda was shocked..... "How did you excaped," she yelled "how?" I stood there silently Link was faxing corpses of killed officers and gards "AHHH" Zelda screamed "Gards! Help!" A bunch of gards bashed the metal door down and put Link into a no sleep torcher. He stayed up in total 21 days awake. He was emotionless, like a doll.. "I HATE YOU!" Link shouted "What did I do anyway?!" Zelda didn't respound. Link closed his eyes...He knew his fate.....

An Hero's End...

"Your somethin'  are yeah?" A gard asked "very well suit yourself" Link stayed in the corner of the cage crying... "Why me, it could be anyone but me!" Zelda laughed and yelled this "we know you did it!" She demand "you killed a civilian, we don't have the rights to jail you, but we to have the rights to let you appoligize to our Gods!" They chanted this frase   "Let the unbehaved ones burn!" In total 5×. Link killed an gard with his fists, took his sword, and killed Zelda by impaling her threw the heart. She whispered her final words "God's Roar will curse you!" Link ran out of the cove and hasn't been seen since....